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ABNKKBSNPLAko?! : Mga Kuwentong Chalk ni Bob Ong a.k.a The Green Book (ayon sa mga fans) is the first book written by the enigmatic Pinoy author, Bob Ong. Originally pulished in February 2001, talks about his childhood experiences: from his very first day at school, up to his delinquent College days.

Meant to cross-over from his now defunct site, which contained mostly criticisms about the Filipino Culturehe calls “mga kuwentong barbero“, he chose to write about himself first before anyone else (according to his fifth book). Thus, a classic was born.

Any Bob Ong fanatic will attest that this is his most enjoyable and best book ever. Writing about learning how to count from one-to-ten; reminiscing student-made school games like: SOS, Spin-A-Win, F.L.A.M.E.S, etc. ; and eventually being a teacher himself, is very entertaining and really is a page-truner.

It will also make you realize how valuable (and expensive) education really is and make you appreciate how lucky (and fun) it is being a student.

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Baguio Trip Documentary

As promised, here’s the video documentary of the Star Ship (Mitsubishi Strada) break-in mission mentioned in the previous posts. Since you have been loyal troops to the Empire, you now have the chance to view the said mission right before Emperor Palpatine does! Enjoy!

(By the way, the Vulcan’s certainly did not like my previous post. Hah!)

The jedi are getting close, ready your blasters!
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trekkies are beaming in my front yard right now

To serve my purpose as a loyal Storm trooper to the Empire, these propaganda materials has been confiscated throughout the Inner and Outer Rims. We warn all those who still possess such contraband and you shall be dealt with with extreme prejudice.

For now, here are some examples why you should remain loyal to our cause.

Whats new? No originality. Bleh...

What's new? No originality. Bleh...

It seems that our sources are true...

It seems that our sources were telling the truth...

This does not mean you won Vulcan!

This does not mean you won Vulcan!

We already knew that. lol!

We already knew that. lol!

You call that a salute?

You call that a salute?

We absolutely forbid these horrid merchandise!

We absolutely forbid these horrid merchandise!


By the way, we would like to thank our sponsor:

Trekkies are dweebs! Vote!
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In Memoriam: Willie Tirol

Before going to Baguio, (refer to previous post) we went to visit my late uncle Willie Tirol in Pangasinan. He was a respected seaman, friend,  a very laid-back guy, a beloved brother to his siblings, and a caring father to his two daughters. He passed away in a tragic gas leak , during maintenance, docked at the port of Los Angeles in September 2005.

According to the New York Times:

Three crew members, Boris Dimitrov of Bulgaria; Willie Tirol of The Philippines and Radomilja Frane of Croatia, were killed and 19 others were injured. Reports said that the deaths were almost instantaneous as the crew members were not wearing breathing apparatus at the time.

Four years has passed since that tragic day and I haven’t been to his grave all those years. This time, I will do my best to make up for this lost time by honoring him in this post. Though nothing much will change, I will still try to make you see what I see through the lens of my camera.

May this tree shelter you forever.

May this tree shelter you forever.

You will always be remembered.

You will always be remembered.

Mom really misses you.

Mom really misses you.

It was very hard for us to let go.

It was very hard for us to let go.

For those who are interested in the location of his remains, he is  now resting at the Heaven’s Gate Memorial Park in Asingan, Pangasinan. The tombstone can easily be found near the edge of the road, on the left side, just before the rotonda. Please inform us if you will be visiting him there, so we can accompany you, if time permits.

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Baguio Invasion!

The Empire (aka my Uncle and Mom) has ordered us to break-in the newest top-of-the-line Star Ships (aka the Mitsubishi Strada). With a goal of reaching a total distance of 1,000 Kilometers, using Hyper Space is not an option. We might overshoot by 2 planets if we do.

So, to properly document this event, I brought an Empire-Issued Aiptek camera. I had no choice. Yes, it was made by a slanted-eyed race from your planet who used to make crude swords made from tempered iron, but we (Clone Troops) are not impressed. We were promised that his crude “recording equipment” will suffice for now since we have incurred much damage from recent Jedi attacks. <Sigh.>

Reminds me of my days as a rookie in Tatooine.

Reminds me of my days as a rookie in Tatooine.

What youll see if you happen to fall off a cruiser.

What you'll see if you happen to fall off a cruiser.

I had to disguise myself as a local dog to avoid detection.

I had to disguise myself as a local dog to avoid detection.

You may not see my face without my helmet, human!

You may not see my face without my helmet, human!

Being evil is cool sometimes.

Being evil is cool sometimes.

How do you use this crude scope? I couldnt see a thing!

How do you use this crude scope? I couldn't see a thing!

Alas, I couldnt resist shaming myself.

Alas, I couldn't resist shaming myself.

Hah! Enough of this! I will pretend that I dont know.

Hah! Enough of this! I will pretend that I don't know.

Documentation assignments isnt that bad.

Documentation assignments isn't that bad.

This only happens in this country.

This only happens in this country.

A video documentation is in the works but knowing the government of the country I’m in, too much Red Tape is expected. So bear with me Rookies! What was that?! A complaint! Let’s see what Lord Vader has to say about that! ‘Ten——Hut!!!”

Awesome photos!
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New Moon Breaking News

Though I didn’t really like the Twilight movie nor the book (both were disappointing), I have news from Robert Pattison himself about the new movie he’s working on as the very mysterious, and wickedly handsome (according to some female Ewoks near me) vampire Edward Cullen.

According to

Robert Pattinson has confirmed there will be a film version of the fourth and final Twilight book, Breaking Dawn. Pattinson told the Hollywood Reporter in Cannes on Tuesday “that he is committed to starring in the final outing to date but doesn’t know when backers Summit Entertainment will begin production because of the actor’s jam-packed shooting schedule.”

Pattinson also spoke about his role in New Moon which has been increased considerably. “You’re playing a figment in Bella’s imagination so I was trying to do it in a 2-D way. I hope it doesn’t translate onscreen as being boring,” he said, laughing. Hey, at least he’s aware.

And here’s the first official teaser poster for New Moon. Check it out and try not to smother your monitor with kisses okay? The Dark Lord of the Sith will not be pleased.

Read more Twilight Series news here!

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Cosplay Fail!

Having sworn loyalty to the New Republic, it is my duty to report anything and everything that happens on the front. No matter how gritty and icky it might be. So prepare yourselves, here are some pictures I’ve collected across the galaxy. Some are notable and noble efforts. Still, nevertheless, an epic fail. Let’s start off with Star Wars:

Maybe Princess Leia had one too many donuts at Jabba's Palace.

I thought Final Fantasy was cool? Maybe that didn’t translate well in real life.

Now I know why the hot FF franchise suddenly dissipated.

Naruto should’ve kicked their ass! Where’s shame when you need one?

Darn those countless Ramen Bowls!!!

Too bad, Rock Lee doesn't rock anymore!

Anybody can Cosplay! NOT!

Let’s try some Western Characters, shall we?

Too many adventures can really weather you down.

When vigilante justice just doesnt kick it anymore.

When vigilante justice just doesn't kick it anymore.

No wonder Spider-man isnt Number One anymore..

No wonder Spider-man isn't Number One anymore..

Let’s try one more. maybe we’ll get it right this time. Game!

Cammy, is that you?!

Cammy, is that you?!

If you have more evidence to pass to the New Republic, please feel free to do so.

You will be rewarded with authentic Jedi  lightsabers! (albeit only Photoshopped. ^_^ )

That post was hot! VOTE!
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My Sassy Vampire?!

Jeon Ji Hyun aka Gianna Jun of the My Sassy Girl fame has a new movie coming out! It’s bloody, fast-paced and will be so awesome! She will be playing Saya, a 400-year old, katana-wielding half-vampire, half-human in the live-action adaptation of Blood The Last Vampire.  For those not in the know what this movie  is about, here’s some useful info about the cult favorite from the land of the rising sun:

The story is set in the American Yokota Air Base located in post-WWII Japan, a few months before the beginning of the Vietnam War. Its main protagonist is a girl named Saya, who hunts hematophagous bat-like creatures called chiropterans for a secret organization known as the Red Shield.

And according to the Jeon Ji Hyun community:

The Yahoo! Japan website’s Movies section is streaming the first five minutes and 27 seconds from Chris Nahon’s live-action film adaptation of the Blood: The Last Vampire anime film. Director Hiroyuki Kitakubo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Roujin Z) and Production I.G animated the original film. In the new film, South Korea’s Jeon Ji-hyun (under her English name, Gianna Jun) plays Saya, a sword-wielding girl hunting down supernatural creatures. Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell films, Mobile Police Patlabor) conceived the original anime’s story with screenwriter Kenji Kamiyama (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Eden of The East). Chris Chow adapted the story for East Wing Holdings Corp. and SAJ’s live-action version.

Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Group acquired all North American rights to the new film, and Samuel Goldwyn Films will release the film in American theaters this summer. The live-action film will open in Japan on Friday (under the title Last Blood), in the United Kingdom on June 12, and then in France on June 17. It will also open in Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea and other countries in June.

Manga Entertainment released the original Blood: The Last Vampire anime film in North America, while Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is releasing the Blood+ television anime series. Viz Media published the graphic novel sequel to the first movie, and Dark Horse Comics is publishing the different Blood+ manga and text novel.

The Imperial Scouts have already reported sightings of promotional posters scattered across the Metro in the “Next Attraction” category. Though no actual showing date has been posted or announced yet, although it has been speculated that it’s due for release this coming June in Manila.

And here’s a Sneak Peek of the first five minutes of the film! Yes, five minutes of Jeon Ji Hyun goodness! Check it out!

I will post future updates or reviews regarding this film so make sure too bookmark and comeback everyday so you won’t miss it!

Now, where did I put my katana?

Kill Chiropterans!
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No, I’m NOT a Trekkie! Urrkkk!

Yes, I’ve watched it…(You really did?)  I’ve managed to dodge the ten movies before it, but not this one!

You’re right. I’m talking about the new Star Trek movie. And no, I haven’t pledged allegiance to the Federation Star Fleet. Never! Ver… Ver… Ver…

I bet hordes of Tie Fighters are being assembled right now, the Millenium Falcon is getting prepped for Warp Speed on course for Earth and the Death Star is now locked on to my location. Aaaaaarrgghhh!!

However, before any lightsaber duels take place and several limbs get severed, hear me out!

Since there aren’t any Star Wars movie premiering anytime this year, I think it’s safe to say that Star trek is the best movie of the year!

Urrkkk! Darth Vader…. Let me finish!! (Releases Death Grip)
Mind your words boy…” (Mechanical Breathing Noise)

Yes I will. (Gulp.) The story-telling is impressive, well-written and very fast-paced. As I’ve said, I haven’t seen a single episode of the original Star Trek Series nor seen a full movie of the franchise. But still, it’s as if I didn’t need to. The story is about a delusional Romulan named Nero, who is after the Future Spock (or Spock Prime based on the film credits ^_^), whom he blames for the destruction of his home planet Romulus. Of course, unforeseen events led to one thing to another. Spock and Nero both got sucked into a Black Hole, sending them to the supposedly Present Time, a few hundred years before any planets were destroyed. Nero came out of the Black Hole first, leading to the demise of Capt. Kirk’s father. 25 years later, James Tiberius Kirk and Spock finally come face-to-face with a common enemy, bent on unleashing hell on Earth.

This led to an alternate reality (a.k.a. artistic re-hashing of a tired franchise. cough-cough!) with James Kirk being more rebellious and Spock becoming Captain of the Enterprise and not the other way around. I loved the characters specially Pavel Chekov, the Russian guy who says “Richter, Richter” in a funny manner and how he saved Kirk and sword-wielding Sulu by playing with the controls of an SNES console. (Yes, i could’ve sworn that it was an alien version of PONG!) The movie was full of surprises and lots of action every now and then, will surely keep your adrenaline pumping. The effects will surely take your breath away done the well known Star Trek style. (Yes, I’ve seen them fly around and beam a few times in my lifetime you know!)

I guess this alternate reality storyline will take the franchise to whole new heights. With a more human and flawed Kirk and Spock, audiences of new (specially the new!) and old will certainly find themselves wondering if this was really Star Trek. It wasn’t the boring, corny acting from the old series, nor the serious atmosphere the old ones seem to have gotten used to. It was like a breath of fresh air and the new cast brought something new to the table. Definitely, a classic.

JJ Abrams (Director), Roberto Orci and Alex Kirtzman (writers) did a really good job on this film and upped the ante a notch of two for any Sci-fi movie wannabe.

Now, one thing’s for sure: I want my Star Wars!!!

Trekkie or not, vote!
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Dan In Real Life- Movie Review

It was a very lazy afternoon when I “accidentally” saw this movie. Reading a few chapters of Photoshop while channel surfing, the timer at the upper left hand of the screen said 2:03, blinking steadily counting down before the movie started.  Only two minutes more! Great. Finally I could start it right from the beginning! I was very curious about Steve Carrell doing a family drama on screen, and I was NOT disappointed.

He plays Dan Burns, a newspaper columnist who writes an advice column on a local paper, Dan in Real Life, hence the title of this movie.  He answers questions about love, family, values and even morals to “desperate” readers. Though his character in real life is the very opposite of his newspaper persona, things get a little interesting.

The movie centers around his character, a widower with three daughters, on an annual family reunion of sorts in Rhode Island. The morning of his arrival, Dan’s mother advises him to give his daughters some space by going out to town. He visits a small bookstore and was mistaken by Marie (his brother’s girlfriend!), as an employee. Marie quickly gets smitten with Dan’s antics and sharp wit. Promising to see each other soon, she told him she already has a boyfriend right before leaving. Dan returns to his parents’ house and happily announces he has met someone new, only to find that Marie is there, her boyfriend being Dan’s brother, Mitch.

Steve’s character was full of surprises, very funny without even trying and very human. The family sequences was very real and heart-warming. (I just found out right before writing this that it was based on the writer’s family experiences.) He was very smart, awkward at times and very charming, but this doesn’t make him popular among his family and was even made to sleep on the worst bed on the house!  (Sounds familiar?) You could really feel the family atmosphere whenever the family cast was having discussions over dinner and even while having fun showing off their talents. I really loved the way the cast was very natural and the director made sure that it stayed thiat way throughout the movie. Though the sheer number of family members sometimes made the movie go astray during several occasions, it was no biggie since Dan always found himself in very interesting, amusing even, but sometimes too-familiar-situations everyone could relate to.

The movie will teach you a thing or two about family relationships, love and how to handle conflicting personal dilemmas. It not as serious as it sounds though, Steve made sure that this won’t be dull and you’d laugh at the right moments.


A great movie from Peter hedges that will surely make you smile, reminisce about fond family memories and remember what’s really important above all else. Steve Carrell and Juliette Binoche was spectacular in this movie, making you forget that this was the same  Evan from Evan Almighty, and the Academy Award Winner for The English Patient. This movie was made well over two years ago, I believe that this movie would be timeless in everyone’s memories.

Make sure that you watch it with loved ones and watch it from the beginning! ‘Till next time!

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cube review: black DIY type A cube

I got this cube around last year for about a few hundred bucks from the famous cube-seller Sir Venom from the PCA forum .  It came disassembled in clear plastic packaging.  PVC stickers provided by the site was also included, though it has more rounded corners than Cubesmith Stickers. It was fairly decent, however some sticker sheets were slightly damaged/ bubbled.

I replaced the stickers with Cubesmith Rubik’s Studio (Color scheme) Set. This one had the classic Yellow core and was smooth out-of-the-box. After doing proper set-up, here are the results:


  • fairly smooth
  • awesome cutting corner ability
  • a very good speedcube
  • reacts well to Silicone
  • rarely pops


  • a little resistant than the previous versions
  • a bit expensive

Over-all Score:

This cube is very nice for speedsolving and you could easily average well below 20’s on this one. However, the one I got was too resistant a.k.a has too much friction between the plastic surfaces. I could’ve opted for lesser friction because I tend to under rotate with this kind of stiffness. Don’t be rattled by this fact though, some users prefer this “feel”.  You might need to get hold of Cubesmith stickers first rather than using the one it came with. And make sure that it’s broken in pretty well before doing and lubrication or pre-tooling.


If you can get a hold of it, try it out. You might like the way how this cube feels and turns. One of the best in terms of cutting corners and less popping. Very nice cube over-all.

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Bedtime Stories – Movie Review

Bedtime Stories

Directed by: Adam Shankman
Written by: Matt Lopez & Tim Herlihy

Adam Sandler , Keri Russell, Guy Pearce,
Russell Brand, Richard Griffiths, Teresa Palmer,
Lucy Lawless, Courteney Cox, Jonathan Morgan Heit,
Laura Ann Kesling


Marty Bronson (Jonathan Pryce) who raises his son and daughter on his own has to sell his homey motel to clever Barry Nottingham (Richard Griffiths) who promises to make Marty’s son manager, when he’s grown up and has proven himself. Nottingham pulls down the motel to raise a pricey hotel. Although grown up, Marty’s son Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) works as a janitor and general servant, but unlikely as it seems, he still dreams of becoming the manager. When Nottingham announces a brand-new gigantic hotel project, he makes his future son-in-law, base Kendall (Guy Pierce), manager, shattering Skeeter’s dream. At the same time Skeeter’s sister Wendy (Courtney Cox) has to leave town for a job interview and asks him to alternate looking after her two children Patrick (Jonathan Morgan Heit) and Bobbi (Laura Ann Kesling) with Wendy’s responsible-minded colleague Jill (Keri Russell). He doesn’t get along with either Jill or the children, but his easy-goingness loosens them all up and once he starts telling his bedtime stories, the children grow fond of him and begin to bring in their ideas about how the stories should go. When the stories turn out to become true in real life, Skeeter tries to manoeuver the stories into a direction which will make his dream come true, too.


While I expected this movie as a wholesome family movie full of laugh, bringing kids vivid imagination unto the big screen, it was quite the opposite. Adam Sandler’s acting was pretty much the same with his past movies (though he doesn’t look as silly as the previous ones), he was pretty laid back this time around and not as obnoxious. His acting was pretty much in  “Big Daddy” mode (kind of trying to serious and funny for little kids at the same time), but it didn’t translate well on the big screen.

The CGI was awesome! It truly captured what a kid imagines whenever a story is told. (I’m not sure about Spartacus though!) The Wild West, Space Adventures and Old Rome was simply amazing.  There’s enough humor to go around in this movie, however it wasn’t really that funny.  A bee stinging your tongue, a snot-nosed dog and a dwarf kicking you in the shins right before you kiss the girl of your dreams, really puts the movie in the “too ridiculous to happen in reality” shelf,  though the movie’s premise dictates just that. (But it’s a Sandler movie! So?!) They don’t even try explain how such things happen right until the end of the movie. Yes, it a fantasy movie but even any-given-science-fiction-movie-in-history tries to explain how “magical/awesome stuff” work. And no, there no such thing as “it happens just because!” Geez, even Frodo had to wear an evil enchanted ring just to become invisible for a moment right?! And in this movie, certain weird coincidences happen just because two kids say so. Cool! Not.

However, I loved the character Bugsy! This bug-eyed guinea pig was much funnier than the lead. His comic timing was perfect and it didn’t even have to mutter a single word. Beat that! (Hmmm…. maybe it was Bugsy who made “things” happen!) It may be annoying to some adults that it was a CG creature, but I bet your young kids/ nephews/nieces will love him.

I also find it weird that the lead character still got the girl in the end. What? It was part of the Save-the-world-and-then-get-the-girl-Hollywood formula? There was no chemistry whatsoever between them. Absolutely none. When they kissed, thoughts that ran in my head was: “Of course, it wouldn’t be a happy ending without getting an out-of-your-league girl in the end.” Pffft. Adam Sandler’s character, Skeeter, wasn’t even a bit likeable/ lovable for sparks to fly. I was even rooting for Skeeters friend Russell Brand) at one point of the movie!


This movie is forgettable and was not well-written. As if they toned down Adam Sandler’s crude humor (which made him famous) and tried to make it work for this Disney Movie. Sadly, it didn’t. No, don’t rent it. The weekend will pass without regretting you ignored this film. It doesn’t leave much imagination for kids to enjoy and there’s little for them to attach themselves to anyone in the movie, how silly a character may be. The CGI sequences for the “story scenes” was great but that was it. Sorry Adam Sandler fans, but I will have to pass this one.

Darn. I can’t believe the guy that made this (Adam Shankman) was the same person who directed the hit “Hairspray“.

Thanks for the warning!
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Bulacan Open – Speedcubing Competition Official NR’s and AsR’s

Here are the official New Philippine Records (NR’s) and First Asian Record (AsR) broken by our fellow Pinoy cubers during the last Bulacan Open in list form.  Thanks Paololzki!

Kevin Zerzes Sapo
2x2x2 Single Solve
2x2x2 Average
3x3x3 OH Average

Reynaldo Mape Jr.
3x3x3 BLD
4x4x4 BLD – ASR
3x3x3 By Feet – Single Solve

Lorenzo Bonoan
3x3x3 by Feet Average

Guilliano Cayetano
Megaminx Single Solve
Megaminx Average

Paolo Jose Panganiban
Rubik’s Clock Single Solve
Rubik’s Clock Average
Rubik’s Master Magic Single Solve
Rubik’s Master Magic Average

Jonathan Papa
6x6x6 Average

Allan Ortega
6x6x6 Single Solve

Chia-Wei Lu
3x3x3 by Feet Single Solve
3x3x3 by Feet Average
Pyraminx Single Solve
Rubik’s Clock Single Solve
Rubik’s Clock Average
Rubik’s Master Magic Single Solve
Rubik’s Master Magic Average


Congrats! Keep it up!
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Fanboys- Movie Review

FANBOYS (2009)

(rated: PG-13 for pervasive crude and sexual material, language and drug content)

(1 hr, 30 min)

Starring: Sam Huntington, Chris Marquette, Dan Fogler,

Jay Baruchel, Kristen Bell, David Denman,

Christopher McDonald, Seth Rogen, Danny Trejo,

Ethan Suplee, Will Forte, Craig Robinson,

Danny McBride, and several cameos I don’t want to spoil !!!

Director: Kyle Newman

Genre: Comedy/Adventure/Road Trip


It’s the Halloween party they’ve all been waiting for, to have fun with friends and hang out with fellow Star Wars fans and partners in crime. However, events take a turn when one of their bunch who long ago outgrew his old gang and took on adult responsibilities is suddenly in their midst again. Reconnecting is not easy. But soon, Eric, Windows, Hutch and Zoe realize that Linus will not live long enough to experience what’s been on their minds for ages: The long-awaited theatrical release of Star Wars – Episode I, which is still several months away. Linus once again suggests to his friends what he’s been scheming since fifth grade: Breaking into Skywalker Ranch, this time to steal a print of the movie. Crazy, right? But it might be the only way for Linus to see the movie before he dies. So as insane as it sounds, they take Hutch’s van and embark on a mission to drive across half the country to the Ranch.


Before you read any further, let me remind you that this movie was made by fanboys for fanboys.  So I really guess, based on bad reviews made by “non-fanboys” of this movie; non-Star Wars or even a “non-geek-anything” will find the movie uhmmmm…. rather, old or boring even. I warn you, you may not (I repeat: YOU MAY NOT) get the inside jokes, random Star Wars and TV references used and funny geek reactions the actors are portraying in this movie.

But if you are… let’s rock!

Though the genre of this movie for telling this kind of story is so cliche, it worked for me. You may still find yourself guessing what would happen next! Of course, your best guess would be another ridiculous situation after another. But this movie took it to the limit and made me laugh my heart out! (NO, I won’t be giving out spoilers.) Let’s just say, how much are you willing to pay for a HUNDRED DOLLAR glass of water? Now, that’s the question! (Maybe the most appropriate question would be: How do you get out of it with your clothes still on?!) Was that a spoiler??! You will forget what you just read…. (with matching Jedi hand gesture)

We were laughing our heads-off last night when we were watching this and even my mom loved it! (My mom uhmmm…. doesn’t like geeky stuff much.. and she was laughing!) Yes, even with Dan Fogler‘s constant humping (yes, humping) of his co-male stars, the movie wasn’t vulgar at all. There was no nudity and the constant jokes about fanboys being eternal virgins throughout the film was hilarious.  The one-liners and “Star Wars” references will keep you laughing and so will the references to movies like “Top Gun”, “Dirty Dancing”, “THX 1138?,” and “Back to the Future” and TV shows like “Alf”, “Night Court”, “G.I. Joe” and “Scooby Doo”.

Hordes of Star Trek fans were also featured in the movie and it was entertaining how they dealt with invading Star Wars fans on their home turf. (Kirk’s future birthplace!) They even attended a Trek-Kon, risking their dignity (?) as hardcore fans just to obtain top secret information about the Skywalker Ranch from William Shatner himself!

There were lots of cameos in the movie, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled! I also loved the droid on top of their van! Was that R2-D2?!

Rent it.

Why just rent it? I guess it won’t be released mainstream because of the nature of the film.

(It was only on Limited Release in the States.)

It’s a great movie for you and your friends, especially if you’re a Star Wars fan (or even not)!

NO, I am your father!
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Bulacan Open 2009 Results

Congratulations to all the competitors of the recently concluded Bulacan Open 2009 held at the Malhacan Elementary School at Barangay Malhacan, Meycauayan City, Bulacan last May 16 and 17. Our very own JR Mape got the fastest time for the 4×4 Blindfolded Event at 11:23.00 making him the fastest in Asia (AsR) breaking the previous record set by Yumu Tabuchi of Japan.

Here are the complete set of winners from the WCA website:

Winners Circle

Winner's Circle

The Tope Three Winners

The Top Three Winners


Kudos to our Pinoy Cubers!
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Arm Wrestlers and Falling Boxes

Here’s avideo of one of the many fun, fun, fun events during the recently concluded KomiKon Summer Fiesta 2009, held at the UP Bahay ng Alumni. For this contest, the emcees called in 8 male participants for the Arm Wrestling Competition. The prize? Free tickets to the best theme park in the Philippines: Enchanted Kingdom!

aLpmobs and charmz kept on bugging me to join!  But hell! If it wasn’t for my still healing arm injury, I’m I would’ve kicked their ass! Just kidding. The injury part is true though… T_T

And yes, the part about the guy giving something to the pretty emcee just before he left was true! The girl was actually surprised about it and it was apparently obvious by her reaction. Too bad I wasn’t able to film it! It would’ve been priceless!

About the falling box title, I bet this would never happen to anyone else in the universe. Ever.

Here’s what happened:

I was walking along the street to quickly get to the Jeepney stop near our place. Apparently, two huge  Garbage trucks were in the way so obviously, I tried avoiding them. The smell! LOL!

Passing by the first truck was no problem, just walking along it’s right side. Since the next truck was just to the right of the one I just passed, I naturally veered toward the left. Just as I passed the huge stinking (literally) hatch, just after a couple of steps…

A huge flat screen tv carton box fell.

It was just like this, only stinkier.

It was just like this, only stinkier.

And I thought my life was so boring… ^_^

You’re still Alive? Awww…
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Rico Blanco and an Angels and Demons Review

After getting my phone repaired at the SM North Samsung Service Center, I immediately went home to rest after a long, tiring day at the KomiKon Summer Fiesta featured on my previous post.

I got home, slumped on the couch and turned on the television to catch the newest episode of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood on Animax. Mixing a liter of Apple Juice to refresh my senses, I thought this would be the perfect ending to an exhausting day… Boy, was I wrong!

Little did I know that my older brother and mom was planning to eat out and watch a movie afterwards. We quickly scrambled to get dressed and quickly found ourselves at the new Sbarro branch at the also new SM Fairview Annex. I was quite surprised that Rico Blanco was going to perform right next to where we were eating and it hasn’t started yet!

He sang a lot of old favorites from his Rivermaya days and some songs from his newly released album Your Universe. He was still very good, like he never left the music scene for even a second. His unique voice sent waves upon waves of  charm to the female fans present during the mini-concert and left the rest of us in awe. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to capture it on camera since I didn’t bring any! T_T

We didn’t finish the gig though since we still had to watch Angels and Demons, under the direction of Ron Howard. Again,  the movie was on a “Single Screening” policy and the guards were so tense right before the movie started. The guy who tore our tickets in half was repeating this line for the Nth time and was quite irritating:

“Angels and Demons po? May I remind you that camcording is prohibited inside the cinema po. Okay. Enjoy the movie!”

I was wondering why are they doing this to presumable innocent movie-goers. As if the constant flashing of the warnings regarding film piracy inside the theater, billboards, posters etc. wasn’t enough. Hello? As if a film pirate would intentionally record a movie on an SM Cinema right? Why don’t they try elsewhere? Last pirated movie I saw that had markings of a foreign theater atmosphere was cam corded somewhere in the Soviet Union. How did I know? Russian subtitles.

Let’s get on with it shall we?

Angels and Demons


The team behind the global phenomenon The Da Vinci Code returns for the highly anticipated Angels & Demons, based upon the bestselling novel by Dan Brown. Tom Hanks reprises his role as Harvard…  The team behind the global phenomenon The Da Vinci Code returns for the highly anticipated Angels & Demons, based upon the bestselling novel by Dan Brown. Tom Hanks reprises his role as Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, who once again finds that forces with ancient roots are willing to stop at nothing, even murder, to advance their goals. Ron Howard returns to direct the film, which is produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, and John Calley. The screenplay is by David Koepp and Akiva Goldsman.

What terrifying discovery would make the Vatican turn to Robert Langdon, the man who cracked history’s most controversial code? When Langdon discovers evidence of the resurgence of an ancient secret brotherhood known as the Illuminati “the most powerful underground organization in history” he also faces a deadly threat to the existence of the secret organization’s most despised enemy: the Catholic Church. Upon learning that the clock is ticking on an unstoppable Illuminati time bomb, Langdon travels to Rome, where he joins forces with Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and enigmatic Italian scientist. Embarking on a nonstop, action-packed hunt through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, deserted cathedrals, and even to the heart of the most secretive vault on earth, Langdon and Vetra will follow the 400-year-old Path of Illumination that marks the Vatican’s only hope for survival. –© Sony Pictures


Surprisingly, this movie was better than the previous Dan Brown offering. It stayed true to the the novel with only minor changes to the plot. Movie-goers who hasn’t read the book yet, really appreciated the fast-paced action of every scene, the mystery surrounding the Illuminati and the awesome scenery inside the Vatican City.

I wouldn’t touch the plot side of this film since it’s an adaptation of a novel written by Dan Brown. Readers of his novels knows how ridiculous and impossible his plots are, and everyone knows that if we compare Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code novels head-to-head, the latter takes the cake.

The novel was boring as hell, and even with all the puzzle solving, map-reading and the twist at the end, it was still very predictable. (a.k.a. boring) But what Ron Howard did for this movie was surprising! Though he didn’t focus with the history of the sculptures, buildings, etc. as much as the movie, (which made the novel quite a nice read) he focused on the action part of it. Adrenaline was pumping all through out the film and surprising everyone at the end. The cinematography was great and the background music made it more thrilling to watch.

Don’t be fooled by Robert Langdon‘s (Tom Hanks) partner in the film, it’s not a love story. (No, I won’t comment about Tom Hanks. he’s always great.) If you’re looking for romance, this isn’t the movie. Same thing for comedy, everything is taken seriously in this movie. Maybe even too serious. Tom Hanks’ character didn’t even crack a single joke worth laughing at. If you’re looking for a fast-paced thrill ride with an awesome view to boot, this is the movie for you.


3/5 – Good enough to watch with your family and friends.

Just keep in mind though that it has an R-13 rating in the Philippines.

(Meaning that children aged 13 and below cannot go in even with adult supervision.)

Was this what you were looking for? then VOTE!
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KomiKon, Bulacan Open, Two Davids, Rico Blanco and a Movie

If I can create duplicates of myself, I certainly would’ve done it yesterday!

May 16 certainly was the most “eventful” day since recent memory. (No pun intended.) You see, it was the day of the Annual KomiKon Summer Fiesta held  at the UP Bahay ng Alumni, the First Bulacan Open (a speed-solving competition), the David Cook- David Archuleta Concert, the Rico Blanco Your Universe Mall Tour and the first weekend of the recently released Dan Brown/ Ron Howard movie, “Angels and Demons” and here’s my take on it!

Using all the powers bestowed upon me by the Jedi Order, I was only able to attend three out of five major events for that day. (As if I’d really wanted to see David Archuleta! LOL!) But hell, it was worth it!

The first dilemma I encountered was which event to go to in the morning: the KomiKon or the Bulacan Open. Apparently, it was a no-brainer. Since I hadn’t had practice for the past few days due to my Sister’s birthday, the KomiKon was the optimal choice! I invited a few friends from all over but unfortunately, they weren’t able to make it. Too bad!  So it left the three of us: aLpmobs, charmz, and iamryanm, to venture forth by ourselves to the comicbook haven known as the KomiKon Summer Fiesta!

The sun was shining and the wasn’t a single rain cloud in sight as we lined up to get ourselves the “Early-Bird Freebies” for the early attendees. The hot weather didn’t deter us from our mission as we got hold of the loot: the official KomiKon fan (it was orange this time), a couple of flyers, and a Justice League poster! the ticket price was very cheap for Php 50, since you will be granted access to all sorts of merchandise, comics related or not!

There were obviously tons and tons of comics: from the international favorites such as Superman, the Justice League, etc.. up to our local indie comics! Local publications who support our very own artists also featured works such as Pugad Baboy, Kiko Machine Komix, Culture Crash, etc.

Vinyl toys, Stikfas, antiques and even used magazines were sold at random booths at the venue. Teenagers and adults were delughted when some booths who sold Chakara hats, gloves, bags, Cosplay costumes and lots of home-made and imported products from Japan. Artists also let fans take snapshots of them and sign their beloved copies for free!

There was a lot happening onstage such as the Sipa challenge, Jackstone contest, Bunong Braso Contest and even the very first KomiKon IDOL!

I took a lot of pics, and even though I didn’t finish the event since I need to get my mobile phone fixed, it was so much fun. I’m looking forward to attend the next KomiKon doing a little bit of Cosplay! What character would I play? Now that’s a secret!

Here’s the Part One of the event. Enjoy!

Patapon! Pata-pata-pon!
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Bob Ong on his new book, “Kapitan Sino”

<.-.> Para sa kapakanan ng mga mambabasa mong naghintay sa bagong libro, pwede mo bang sabihin sa amin kung tungkol saan ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas?
<BO> Kapitan Sino?
<.-.> Ah, oo, Kapitan Sino pala. Hehe. Ang ganda-ganda kasi ng Paboritong Libro ni Hudas. Yon ang paborito ko sa mga libro mo e. Hindi dahil sa nandoon ako, pero marami talagang nagsasabi na maganda yung Paboritong–
<BO> Ahem, um, ang Kapitan Sino ay tungkol kay Rogelio Manglicmot na nakilala ng mga tao bilang isang superhero sa katauhan ni Kapitan Sino.
<.-.> Ang haba ng pangalan! Para sakin mas gusto ko pa rin yung mga isinulat mong tauhan na five characters lang ang pangalan, yung simple lang, yung parang puro punctuation mark lang….
<BO> Ah, magugustuhan mo si Bok-bok, kasi may punctuation mark din ang pangalan nya!
<.-.> Sino naman yun?
<BO> Kaibigan ni Rogelio. Marami kang makikilala sa mundo ni Kapitan Sino.
<.-.> Pati si Tesla?
<BO> Si Tessa. Pero tama ka, dahil kinuha ko ang pangalan nya kay Nikola Tesla.  Isa sa pinakamagaling, kundi man ang pinakamagaling, na electrical engineer sa kasaysayan, pero kaawa-awang naagawan ng maraming imbensyon.
<.-.> Hindi ba si Tessa ang nagpatagal ng ika-pitong libro?
<BO> Nagkakahiyaan kasi sila ni Rogelio. Nahirapan tuloy akong magsulat ng
kwentuhan nila. Yung iba ngang usapan, hindi na nila ipinasulat sa akin.
<.-.> Kaya ba isang buong araw kang nakinig ng mga senti?
<BO> Hehehe. Higit pa. Paulit-ulit-ulit akong nakinig ng mga love song, kasama na yung kanta ni Carole King, nang ilang linggo habang isinusulat ang tagpo nila. Pilit din akong nanood ng romantic movies pandagdag inspirasyon, at nagpaturo sa romance novel writer na dating miyembro ng Bobong Pinoy YahooGroup.  Ewan kung pasado na ang gawa ko.
<.-.> Totoo bang lumang superhero si Kapitan Sino?
<BO> Hindi. Sya ang pinakabagong superhero…noon.
<.-.> 80’s? Ibinalik mo ba ang oras sa Dekada Otsenta?
<BO> Oo, kaya mas akma ang kwento sa mga 27 years old pataas. Baka merong mga hindi gaanong maintindihang detalye ang mga mas batang mambabasa. Makakatulong kung meron silang mapagtatanungang matanda.
<.-.> Hmmm… mukhang interesante itong ika-walong libro.
<BO> Ika-pito. Pero tama ka ulit, dahil may mauuna pa dapat akong libro dito, kundi lang nakiusap si Mayor na paunahin ko na sila.
<.-.> May Mayor? Matatapatan ba nito ang dami ng celebrity sa Paboritong Libro ni Hudas?
<BO> Tinutukoy mo ba sila Donita Rose, Marvin Agustin, at Tootsie Guevarra na nasa ikatlong libro? Ikinalulungkot ko, pero mas hitik at nag-uumapaw sa mga celebrity ang Kapitan Sino.
<.-.> Pero hindi mo maitatangging ako ang pinakasikat mong celebrity dahil lumabas ako sa dalawang libro!
<BO> Tama. Lumabas ka sa itim at puting libro. Pero may iba pa kong tauhan na lumabas din ulit dito sa Kapitan Sino.
<.-.> Huh?! Hindi mo ko pinasasaya sa mga sagot mo, Bob Ong! At bakit ako magkaka-interes kay Kapitan Sino kung nung 80’s pa ang adventure nya?
<BO> Kung itatanong mo yan pagkatapos magbasa, hindi mo naintindihan ang libro.
<.-.> Saan ba ko kukuha ng kopya?
<BO> Unti-unti na pong nagkakaroon ngayon ang mga paborito nyong eatery o sari-sari store. Kung wala pa, baka naubusan lang kayo. Subukan nyo ulit sa ibang araw.
<.-.> Magkano ba?
<BO> 75 pesos lang po…kung panahon ni Cory Aquino! Pero dahil 2009 na, P175.00 po ang isa.
<.-.> Matagal-tagal bago nasundan ang Macarthur.
<BO> Ito ang pinakamatagal na agwat ng pagsusulat ko. Pero natapos din ang libro, salamat sa inspirasyon mula sa mga mambabasang tagapagpalakas ng loob at umaasang laging masusundan pa ang huling librong nabasa nila. Dahil sa simpleng hiling nila na laging masabihan kagad kung may bago na silang mababasa kaya ginagamit na naman kita ngayon para sa official announcement.
<.-.> Sanay na ko. Alam ko kailangan mo ng celebrity endorser para sa Kapitan Sino. Idagdag mo na lang sa talent fee ko yung t-shirt ng
<BO> Punta ka sa Komikon sa UP sa Sabado, May 16. Meron doong mga t-shirt ni Bob Ong. Mura lang dahil hindi ka na magbabayad ng shipping fee. Pagkakataon mo na!
<.-.> Aba, talagang double-purpose ang patalastas ah! May Swine Flu ka pa sa lagay na yan.
<BO> Sipon lang.
<.-.> Sa susunod mong libro wag kang gagawa ng announcement pag may sipon ka, kasi lalong kumo-corny.
<BO> Sige, susubukan ko. Salamat.

Sipunin si Bob Ong!
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Kapitan Sino is Out!


Naunahan na naman ang mga pulis sa pagtugis sa mga holdaper ng isang jewelry shop.  Bago noon, may iba na ring nakahuli sa isang carnaper; sumaklolo sa mga taong nasa itaas ng nasusunog na building; nagligtas sa sanggol na hinostage ng ama; tumulong para makatawid sa kalsada ang isang matanda; tumiklo sa mga miyembro ng Akyat-Bahay; sumagip sa mag-anak na tinangay ng tubig-baha; nag-landing nang maayos sa isang Boeing 747 na nasiraan ng engine; at nagpasabog sa isang higanteng robot.  Pero sino ang taong ‘yon?  Maililigtas nya ba sila Aling Baby?  At ano nga ba talaga ang sabon ng mga artista?


Ang pinakabagong superhero noon.
Mas matibay pa sa orig.
Sa mas mahabang panahon.

ni  Bob Ong
ISBN:  978-9710-54501-8
168 pages, paperback
Filipiniana, FICTION
Suggested Retail Price:  P175.00

According to reports however, it is only available at Powerbooks and Pandayan bookshop branches at the time of writing.

Bob Ong Rocks!
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Ciara’s Sweet 16

Pagkatapos kong magluto ng sandamukal na Pork Barbeque, ‘di mabilang na Chicken Barbeque, tatlong bangus, at napakasarap ng Carbonara, nangawit talaga at pumintig ang aking mga mala-Adonis na braso. Pero ayos lang, dahil solb naman ako sa niluto namin (hindi ko nabanggit, joint effort nga pala yun…) at medyo namaga pa ang biceps ko kahapon. Astig. Sakto at ang suot ko ang sleeveless Human tank-top ko.


Kailangan na lang magpa-kyut.


Nang biglang narinig ko, “Ryan, picturan mo nga mga kaibigan ni Ciara!

Anak ng pating… (quote from my Dad) Bertday nga palang ng nakababata kong kapatid. Ayos lang. Later na lang ako maghahasik ng lagim. Heto ang ilan sa mga nakunan ko…

Teka. Ano?! Mga naka-bikini?? Heller! Pinas kaya ‘to…

Sa Bora ka lang makakakita ng ganun. Pag nasa resort ka, naka-t-shirt o kaya naman mala-higanteng jersey na inarbor ang suot ng mga kababaihan ‘no… Asa ka pa. ^_^

Shempre, hindi mawawala ang group picture.

Kunwari, Paparazzi ako.

Dapat daw makunan lahat, sabi ni boss.

Ako naman. (Iwasang masuka.)

Pwede 'to isangla ah.... -aLpmobs

Nakakapagod palang makipag-habulan sa pool. (Oo, lalo na kapag hindi ka marunong lumangoy.) Kaya ngayon, nanakit ang aking buong katawan at rinanghali na naman ng gising. Pero masaya naman at hindi na “Pasty White” ang aking complexion, medyo nangitim na ako at higit sa lahat, may tinakot akong isang grupo ng swimmers.

Anong ginawa ko?(Wala po akong dalang armas ha? )


Nilapitan sila.

Hindi ako nag-salita.

Tiger-look shempre.

Hindi na sila bumalik. Istorbo sila eh. Ako na kasi yung susunod na kakanta: Mr. Suave.

TAKE NOTE: Hindi ako nag-cube sa pool. (Di nga?!) Hindi nga.

Manakot daw ba? Hooray!
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Rizal Open 2009 Results

Sorry for the delay guys, but do not fear. Here are the official results from the recently concluded Rizal Open 2009 lastMay 7 and 8,held at the Roosevelt College Systems Cainta Campus. Several New Philippine Records (NR’s)  were made at the two day event by Filipino Cubers namely Kevin Sapo for the 2×2 event and One-Handed Cubing, Leo Barcenas Jr. for the 5×5 event, Giuliano Cayetano for the Megaminx, Gian Lucero for the Pyraminx, Sandro Balad for the Square-1 puzzle, Paolo Panganiban for the Rubik’s Clock, Jonathan Papa for the 6×6 cube, and by James Sangil for the Rubik’s Magic event.

I already have the photos for the event and videos for Day 1 (I wasn’t able to attend Day2.), I’m yet to post it since I prioritized editing a couple of past “To-Do” things. So here are the official screencaps from the official WCA site.

There you go guys! Just keep on practicing and don’t hesitate to comment or ask me questions. I currently have a 23 second average, I know it’s not that fast, but, I think it’s quick enough for beginners. ^_^

Keep in mind that it’s only a few days to go before the next competition! Though I won’t make it to the Bulacan Open this May 16 since I’m going to the KomiKon Summer Fiesta. (And it’s too far!) But I hope you guys could.

Keep rocking Pinoy Cubers!

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Lungs full of water and more…

A surprising (?) heavy rainfall suddenly erased all thoughts I had for today’s blog. AND I was excited to exercise by punching away, however, the sudden rain made us push back the clothes that was hanging outside to where I was supposed to box. Darn.

Instead, I clocked the solves I did with my Rubik’s Clock and here are the individual times:

18.25-> New Personal Best
20.91 Ave. of 12
21.04 Ave of 10 Excluding Fastest and Slowest Time

I’ve had this puzzle for a while but I rarely played with it, not until now. It’s nice to have a much better average than the one I had way back early this year. If I can keep this up or have a sub 20 average by Friday, I would definitely skip the KomiKon this Saturday and join the Bulacan Open instead. Oh, and here are some photos of me from our little swimming trip yesterday at the La Mesa Ecopark with my family.

This usually happens to me during family outings. They’ve become so used to it,

they don’t notice it anymore. LOL!

(Notice my younger sister just passing by me on the upper left portion of the pic.)

Didn’t know that you could use a Standard Rubik’s Cube as a flotation device.

(Maybe if you’re an ant.)

I fell asleep waiting for someone to rescue me.

Anyway, a lung full of pool water is a common occurence in my life.

Some additional trivia, there were around 4 lifeguards around the pool and not even one dared to check if I was conscious. I think they were more preoccupied with little kids blocking the exhaust pump. Haha!

You’re still alive? FTW!
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Underwater Cubing? Really?!

It is possible.

Here’s the video description:

It’s Mother’s Day and there’s no better way to celebrate it
than swimming!

I can’t resist the urge to solve one underwater!
(though I wasn’t fully submerged)

NO Snorkeling Gear, NO Goggles.
Just balls… Err… I mean cubes.

I used a Type A DIY that I wasn’t using.

Shot on location at the La Mesa Ecopark.

Song Used:
The Wake Up Song by The Submarines

If you could hear giggles from the video, it was Mom trying to distract me! She was successful in a few occasions, leading me to gulp pool water. Yuck.

Visit my YouTube Channel.

Extreme cubing ROCKS!
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