
Posts tagged “star wars

The Star Wars™ Comic-Con Spectacular Contest

G4’s team of superheroes Kevin Pereira, Olivia Munn and comic expert Blair Butler descend upon San Diego’s pop-culture phenomenon, Comic-Con and in a TV first! G4’s World Broadcast Exclusive: The Star Wars™ Spectacular panel.

Not only has a Comic-Con panel never been broadcast in its entirety, but this will be one of the con’s biggest events.

Plus, G4 offers you the chance to be a part of The Star Wars™ Comic-Con Spectacular. Submit your Star Wars fan stories and questions for the creators of Clone Wars, and your video may be included in the panel, as well as Lucasfilm’s historical Star Wars archive.

Star Wars fun!

Here are awesome photos from Chris Veigh featured in this previous post. This pictures were taken from his Flickr Account, with more absurd and quirky situations featuring his Star Wars figures. Check it out!

Life without war.

Life without war.

Be careful whenever you enter the room!

Be careful whenever you enter the room!

Maybe theyll fall for our dance routine!

Maybe they'll fall for our dance routine!

I know! Im sorry!

I know! I'm sorry!

Tell me what you think!

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Star Wars and Chipmunks featured some of Chris Veigh’s work regarding photos of  Star Wars figures and chipmunks. And yes, you read it right! Chipmunks.

In 2005 Chris befriended a female he later named Buddy after she was accidentally trapped in his dad’s garden shed. “It took a while until she totally trusted me,” said Chris. “But patience and a lot of almond offerings eventually paid off”

“Once I got close to them I realised I could pretty much do anything and they didn’t bat an eye-lid,” he explained.

“I’m not sure where the idea came from but I had plenty of Star Wars figures and I thought I could probably get one to sit on their backs without them caring. It all started from there,” he said.

Chipmunks Rock!
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DIY Rubik’s Cube Design!

Ever wanted to put your very own picture on a  Standard 3×3 Rubik’s Cube without even trying how to solve one? Well, today’s your lucky day my young Padawan learner!

Here’s how:

  1. Go to this site.
  2. Select any photo you want from your computer or any online source. (A square photo will make it fit quite nicely.)
  3. Click ‘Continue’.
  4. Voila! Just save the image (or the link provided) and you’re ready to show it off!

Here’s the photo I used:

And here’s the result!

Awesome, right? Try it out!

trekkies are beaming in my front yard right now

To serve my purpose as a loyal Storm trooper to the Empire, these propaganda materials has been confiscated throughout the Inner and Outer Rims. We warn all those who still possess such contraband and you shall be dealt with with extreme prejudice.

For now, here are some examples why you should remain loyal to our cause.

Whats new? No originality. Bleh...

What's new? No originality. Bleh...

It seems that our sources are true...

It seems that our sources were telling the truth...

This does not mean you won Vulcan!

This does not mean you won Vulcan!

We already knew that. lol!

We already knew that. lol!

You call that a salute?

You call that a salute?

We absolutely forbid these horrid merchandise!

We absolutely forbid these horrid merchandise!


By the way, we would like to thank our sponsor:

Trekkies are dweebs! Vote!
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Fanboys- Movie Review

FANBOYS (2009)

(rated: PG-13 for pervasive crude and sexual material, language and drug content)

(1 hr, 30 min)

Starring: Sam Huntington, Chris Marquette, Dan Fogler,

Jay Baruchel, Kristen Bell, David Denman,

Christopher McDonald, Seth Rogen, Danny Trejo,

Ethan Suplee, Will Forte, Craig Robinson,

Danny McBride, and several cameos I don’t want to spoil !!!

Director: Kyle Newman

Genre: Comedy/Adventure/Road Trip


It’s the Halloween party they’ve all been waiting for, to have fun with friends and hang out with fellow Star Wars fans and partners in crime. However, events take a turn when one of their bunch who long ago outgrew his old gang and took on adult responsibilities is suddenly in their midst again. Reconnecting is not easy. But soon, Eric, Windows, Hutch and Zoe realize that Linus will not live long enough to experience what’s been on their minds for ages: The long-awaited theatrical release of Star Wars – Episode I, which is still several months away. Linus once again suggests to his friends what he’s been scheming since fifth grade: Breaking into Skywalker Ranch, this time to steal a print of the movie. Crazy, right? But it might be the only way for Linus to see the movie before he dies. So as insane as it sounds, they take Hutch’s van and embark on a mission to drive across half the country to the Ranch.


Before you read any further, let me remind you that this movie was made by fanboys for fanboys.  So I really guess, based on bad reviews made by “non-fanboys” of this movie; non-Star Wars or even a “non-geek-anything” will find the movie uhmmmm…. rather, old or boring even. I warn you, you may not (I repeat: YOU MAY NOT) get the inside jokes, random Star Wars and TV references used and funny geek reactions the actors are portraying in this movie.

But if you are… let’s rock!

Though the genre of this movie for telling this kind of story is so cliche, it worked for me. You may still find yourself guessing what would happen next! Of course, your best guess would be another ridiculous situation after another. But this movie took it to the limit and made me laugh my heart out! (NO, I won’t be giving out spoilers.) Let’s just say, how much are you willing to pay for a HUNDRED DOLLAR glass of water? Now, that’s the question! (Maybe the most appropriate question would be: How do you get out of it with your clothes still on?!) Was that a spoiler??! You will forget what you just read…. (with matching Jedi hand gesture)

We were laughing our heads-off last night when we were watching this and even my mom loved it! (My mom uhmmm…. doesn’t like geeky stuff much.. and she was laughing!) Yes, even with Dan Fogler‘s constant humping (yes, humping) of his co-male stars, the movie wasn’t vulgar at all. There was no nudity and the constant jokes about fanboys being eternal virgins throughout the film was hilarious.  The one-liners and “Star Wars” references will keep you laughing and so will the references to movies like “Top Gun”, “Dirty Dancing”, “THX 1138?,” and “Back to the Future” and TV shows like “Alf”, “Night Court”, “G.I. Joe” and “Scooby Doo”.

Hordes of Star Trek fans were also featured in the movie and it was entertaining how they dealt with invading Star Wars fans on their home turf. (Kirk’s future birthplace!) They even attended a Trek-Kon, risking their dignity (?) as hardcore fans just to obtain top secret information about the Skywalker Ranch from William Shatner himself!

There were lots of cameos in the movie, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled! I also loved the droid on top of their van! Was that R2-D2?!

Rent it.

Why just rent it? I guess it won’t be released mainstream because of the nature of the film.

(It was only on Limited Release in the States.)

It’s a great movie for you and your friends, especially if you’re a Star Wars fan (or even not)!

NO, I am your father!
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