
Posts tagged “Cubing

I SOOOO Missed Blogging!

Or writing for that matter. =P

It has been X (put a random number here) months since I last wrote anything and I’m re-evaluating things if I can continue doing this (again).  It has already escaped me why I stopped writing and when people ask me why I did, I literally blank out and just blurt out random stuff like: “I’m busy.” “I have bad internet. LAG!!” or just “I’m too tired to write na.” Nowadays, I just stick with “I’m busy“. (I think it just sounded cooler, though pathetic at the same time.)

What I look nowadays. =P

While cleaning/updating my Facebook page, I sort of noticed all the links I’ve posted and wondered what happened to my “lost boys.” This was the first I one I checked out. Then it all came back to me: the hard work I’ve put into designing my own icons (the link icons on the right); my header (which I think now is awful) ; the events I covered just to churn out good reads for you guys and just simply the plain joys of writing.

I’m not into cubing anymore . (I still average around 20+ seconds on a good day) So I bet I can still kick your ass any day. Just kidding! I still watch a ton of movies, listen a broader range of music (I’m so loving dance music right now!) , watching new shows (Glee and Hitman Reborn!); and travel a lot. I haven’t posted any new vidoes on my YouTube Channel. Though I’m planning to do so in the near future. I’m also currently trying to relearn the guitar. Why? Hmmm… It’s quite a long story and I’ll probably answer that as soon as I upload a song online. Maybe I’ll also post pics of my last adventure in the upcoming days. Who knows?

That’s all for now, gotta rest. (I was also out sick today.)

Thanks for reading! See yah around.

event: Megaminx Open 2009

The Megaminx Open 2009 will be on October 3, 2009, at NAPOCOR Conference Hall, BIR Road Corner Quezon Avenue, Diliman Quezon City. This competition will be official with 10 events in contest. WCA Regulations will be applied throughout this competition.

Online Pre-Registration

Note: The competition is limited to ~40 competitors

Pre-Registered Competitors


Rubik’s Cube Philippine Open 2009 Results

Congratulations to all the competitors of the recently concluded Rubik’s Cube Philippine Open 2009 held at the Robinson’s Midtown Activity Center  in Ermita, Manila last August 29 & 30.

Here are the official screencaps from the official WCA site:

RCPO Winners

RCPO Winners


RCPO 2009 Day 1 Video Coverage

Here are just two videos I shot from Day One of the Rubik’s Cube Philippine Open 2009, just yesterday at the Robinson’s Midtown Center. I only managed to record a couple since I came late and left early to beat the traffic. Lame excuses aside, here are James Sangil and Enzo Bonoan’s Rubik’s Magic event.

Check out the previous post for more photos regarding the event or you can go to this forum for more info.

Go out and break records!

RCPO 2009 Day 1 Coverage

I just got home a few hours ago from the much awaited Rubik’s Cube Philippine Open 2009, held at the Robinson’s Midtown Center in Ermita. Though I arrived late due to unexpected weather changes, I managed to get there in time to witness the start of the Megaminx Competition. The competition was a blast! A lot of competitors showed up with high spirits but when the time their called, the sheer concentration and focus is very evident the moment they pick up their puzzles. I only was able to stay there for a couple of hours, talked with a couple of familiar cubers I met in the past a snap a few shots of the Pinoy Speedcubers in action. A few favorites such as Jan Jerome Bautista, JB Cañares, Durben Virtucio, and Kevin Sapo were noticeably absent from the competition. However, a lot of new faces and some foreign competitors also graced the stage like Piti Pichedpan from Thailand. (He is currently top 27 in the world rankings.) Kudos to the PCA community!

The competition area from above.

The competition area from above.

For those who wasn’t able to come today, you can still check out Day 2 of the competition. Though most standard events will already have their respective Final Rounds tomorrow, there are still some side events you can join such as the:  3×3 Multi-Blindfolded, Team Solve, 4×4 Blindfolded, Solving with Feet, Rubik’s Mirror Blocks and the newest puzzle: the Rubik’s 360. Check out this post for more info. I won’t be able to come back tomorrow due to my peculiarly busy schedule until Tuesday. Congratulations to the Philippine cubing community!

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A Few Days To Go Before the RCPO 2009!

Ready, Set, Cube!!!

Lube your cubes, look ahead like crazy and practice like there’s no tomorrow! You read it right! You only have four days before the much anticipated Rubik’s Cube Philippine Open 2009 to be held at the Robinson’s Midtown Center Ermita this coming Saturday and Sunday.

There will be more than 10 events you can participate in including: 2×2 to 7×7 speedsolving, 3×3 and 4×4 Blindfold Cubing, 3×3 One-Handed Solving, Rubik’s Magic, Rubik’s Mirror Blocks, Rubik’s Clock, Pyraminx, Megaminx, Rubik’s Master Magic, and even the newest Rubik’s 360.

There are also additional new formats of competition such as the 3×3 Multi-Blindfolded Cubing, Team Solving, and 3×3 Solve Using the Feet! Now that would be interesting!

Please make sure you come on time as there will be a brief demo and discussion regarding the flow of the competition during the first day. For further details, you can check out my previous post.

In other cubing news, you can now pre-order the official RCPO 2009 Shirt at this site. Check out the design below.


One Year of Cubing: the Anniversary Post

Whew! I can’t believe that it has been a year already since I solved my very first Rubik’s Cube! It was a crazy but fun journey whenever I look back at my good ol’ speedcubing days. I met a few speedcubers, travelled several dozen miles to get or sell the hottest puzzles and impressed a couple of girls along the way.  It was also the very same passion that sparked the creation of this blog site, the lame videos on my YouTube Channel, and prompted me to do a demo on a friends birthday party and several more embarrassing situations I’d rather charge to experience a.k.a. forget.

I love lists and I know you love ’em too! So here are some interesting trivia after 12 months of speedcubing:

  • 16 – the number of Standard 3×3’s I currently have, not counting the ones I gave away.
  • 77– video tutorials from speecubers around the world. From Nakajima, Badmephisto and Erik Akkerdjik, I got them all here.
  • 19.93 seconds– the fastest I’ve ever recorded for the 3×3.
  • around 30+ seconds – my current estimated solve time. Could be worse!
  • Eight– the number of people I taught how to cube: Marvin (42.5 sec.) , Charm (1:12:35) , and RJ (1:15:46)were the fastest.
  • 3– the number of 2×2 cubes in my collection, not including the mini-siamese cubes I got from my friend from the Middle East.
  • Zero – out of the three possible competitions I could’ve possible joined. Don’t ask.


Rubik’s Mirror Blocks

Alien goodness!

Alien goodness!

The Rubik’s Mirror Blocks aka Hidetoshi Takeji’s Bump Cube is the star for today’s cube review! With the same size and number of pieces with the Classic 3×3 Cube, it presents a much harder challenge of reverting it to it’s solved state. Why? Check this out:


Original Rubik’s 2×2 Pocket Cube

Today, I’ll be covering the Original Rubik’s 2×2 Pocket Cube or the Mini Cube.   (more…)

RCPO2K9 T-Shirt Design Contest

My official entry to the RCPO2K9 T-Shirt Design Contest:

Here were the notes I included on the original post:

This is the first logo I managed to finish, the simplest of the three I’m working on. Of course, the font style can always be changed.

Additional notes:
I intentionally left out the PCA and WCA logos (at the back) since it was already too colorful in my taste. 
I was actually pondering about how I could fit them into the design for about a few hours now without making it look too psychedelic. 
However, I finally reverted to removing the two wings from the original logo and putting them on both ends of the url text.

Also, I originally wanted to make the wings on the logo “filled” with blue and red alternately instead of the black/blue and black/red gradient. I stuck with the gradient instead at the end though.

Oh and yes, it seems that the back design is smaller compared to the front. However, the back design should be thicker and higher
than it should since it has two layers of design unlike the front (back logo and url text layers).

Eastsheen 2×2 Siamese Cubes

Pinay Niqabi and I had been friends since our old staff nurse days about three years ago. We were part of the younger generation of nurses and aptly call ourselves the “Juniors“. Many has changed: she is now working abroad still as a nurse with another female friend of mine; while I am just bumming around, typing on this stupid keyboard. Big difference huh?  LOL!

One thing did not change though, we still keep in touch with each other through our sites and help each other out. I got news a few months back that she got me a memorabilia from the Middle East she picked up while out shopping. I was so surprised that someone still remembers and actually got me a trinket!

Thank you!

Thank you!

I met up with her mom yesterday around noon to pick up the package, just before I watched the  G.I. Joe Movie. Just a few minutes after 1 P.M. , I was a little embarrassed to be  a bit late due to traffic build-up, but she was very gracious and kind that she didn’t mind at all. She was all smiles when she handed me the white package. We talked a bit and she told me how she recognized me from our pictures. Odd, I thought. That was the second time someone recognized me from a photo.

Anyway, I won’t get into much detail regarding these puzzles since it’s obvious that it was not meant to be used for speedsolving. A bit smaller than the original Rubik’s 2×2 Pocket Cube, and actually quite stiff in comparison. I was just wondering why the “Double Cube” was easier to turn than the “Quadruple Cube” since the “cubelets” used in both products were similar. (The reason why I wasn’t able to solve the two middle cubes.) The Double Cube also has this extra piece sticking out of the WBR corner for the key-chain accessory.

Again, thank you so much Pinay Niqabi for these awesome gifts! Check out her site here.

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event: Rubik’s Cube Philippine Open 2009

Rubik’s Cube Philippine Open 2009 will be on August 29 & 30, at Robinsons Place Midtown in Ermita, Manila.

This competition will be official with 16 events in contest. WCA Regulations will be applied throughout this competition.

Online Pre-Registration

Pre-Registered Competitors

WCA Delegate: Jonathan Papa

Registration Fee:    TBA

Reminders: Please bring proper identification and observe proper attire. Also please be advised that you should bring your own puzzles as per WCA Regulations Puzzle Standard. Please know the WCA Regulations by heart.


How to Become a Speedcuber

Username badmephisto from YouTube posted a newer version of his “How to Become a Speedcuber” video this July 1st. Moreover, I really believe that he’s the best rubik’s cube tutorial maker on the planet and I’m sure that a lot of aspiring speedcubers will like what he has in store.  I’ve also provided the video description, as well as the links he posted.


cube review: black East Sheen 4×4 cube

I also got this cube around last year for about a few hundred bucks from a National Bookstore Branch in Robinson’s Fairview .  It was fairly hard to get hold of this particular cube during the height of the cubing hype in the Philippines and I scoured every mall I visited. It was always “out-of-stock” but after a few months of searching, the demand eased off and I was able to buy one. It came assembled in hard but clear plastic packaging and the color scheme was a bit different than the Standard: Orange was replaced by Purple. There’s also a paper insert inside the package containing instructions on how to re-assemble this cube. Yes, it’s really a ‘puzzle’ once you disassemble it!

I didn’t replace the sticker  it came with (PET Stickers).  After doing proper set-up (lubrication and tension-setting only, no sanding), here are the results:


  • smooth out of the box
  • has very little resistance while turning
  • reacts very well to Silicone
  • rarely pops
  • cheaper than the 4×4 Rubik’s brand


  • the Purple Color Scheme could be distracting
  • No cutting corner ability
  • PET stickers should be replaced immediately
  • a bit difficult to assemble (if you somehow disassembled it)

Over-all Score:

This cube is very nice for speedsolving right out of the box! However, my playing style was affected with it’s inability to cut corners. It also tends to lock-up if you are not used to align the cubies precisely.  Don’t be rattled by this fact though, some users prefer this “feel”.  You might need to get hold of Cubesmith stickers first rather than using the one it came with.


Very nice cube over-all. Haven’t tried the Mefferts version so I cannot really compare both cubes. However, before the Mefferts clone came out and the only rival was the original Professor’s cube, there was no doubt that this was the best 4×4 in the market!

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cube review: black DIY type A cube

I got this cube around last year for about a few hundred bucks from the famous cube-seller Sir Venom from the PCA forum .  It came disassembled in clear plastic packaging.  PVC stickers provided by the site was also included, though it has more rounded corners than Cubesmith Stickers. It was fairly decent, however some sticker sheets were slightly damaged/ bubbled.

I replaced the stickers with Cubesmith Rubik’s Studio (Color scheme) Set. This one had the classic Yellow core and was smooth out-of-the-box. After doing proper set-up, here are the results:


  • fairly smooth
  • awesome cutting corner ability
  • a very good speedcube
  • reacts well to Silicone
  • rarely pops


  • a little resistant than the previous versions
  • a bit expensive

Over-all Score:

This cube is very nice for speedsolving and you could easily average well below 20’s on this one. However, the one I got was too resistant a.k.a has too much friction between the plastic surfaces. I could’ve opted for lesser friction because I tend to under rotate with this kind of stiffness. Don’t be rattled by this fact though, some users prefer this “feel”.  You might need to get hold of Cubesmith stickers first rather than using the one it came with. And make sure that it’s broken in pretty well before doing and lubrication or pre-tooling.


If you can get a hold of it, try it out. You might like the way how this cube feels and turns. One of the best in terms of cutting corners and less popping. Very nice cube over-all.

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Bulacan Open – Speedcubing Competition Official NR’s and AsR’s

Here are the official New Philippine Records (NR’s) and First Asian Record (AsR) broken by our fellow Pinoy cubers during the last Bulacan Open in list form.  Thanks Paololzki!

Kevin Zerzes Sapo
2x2x2 Single Solve
2x2x2 Average
3x3x3 OH Average

Reynaldo Mape Jr.
3x3x3 BLD
4x4x4 BLD – ASR
3x3x3 By Feet – Single Solve

Lorenzo Bonoan
3x3x3 by Feet Average

Guilliano Cayetano
Megaminx Single Solve
Megaminx Average

Paolo Jose Panganiban
Rubik’s Clock Single Solve
Rubik’s Clock Average
Rubik’s Master Magic Single Solve
Rubik’s Master Magic Average

Jonathan Papa
6x6x6 Average

Allan Ortega
6x6x6 Single Solve

Chia-Wei Lu
3x3x3 by Feet Single Solve
3x3x3 by Feet Average
Pyraminx Single Solve
Rubik’s Clock Single Solve
Rubik’s Clock Average
Rubik’s Master Magic Single Solve
Rubik’s Master Magic Average


Congrats! Keep it up!
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Bulacan Open 2009 Results

Congratulations to all the competitors of the recently concluded Bulacan Open 2009 held at the Malhacan Elementary School at Barangay Malhacan, Meycauayan City, Bulacan last May 16 and 17. Our very own JR Mape got the fastest time for the 4×4 Blindfolded Event at 11:23.00 making him the fastest in Asia (AsR) breaking the previous record set by Yumu Tabuchi of Japan.

Here are the complete set of winners from the WCA website:

Winners Circle

Winner's Circle

The Tope Three Winners

The Top Three Winners


Kudos to our Pinoy Cubers!
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Rizal Open 2009 Results

Sorry for the delay guys, but do not fear. Here are the official results from the recently concluded Rizal Open 2009 lastMay 7 and 8,held at the Roosevelt College Systems Cainta Campus. Several New Philippine Records (NR’s)  were made at the two day event by Filipino Cubers namely Kevin Sapo for the 2×2 event and One-Handed Cubing, Leo Barcenas Jr. for the 5×5 event, Giuliano Cayetano for the Megaminx, Gian Lucero for the Pyraminx, Sandro Balad for the Square-1 puzzle, Paolo Panganiban for the Rubik’s Clock, Jonathan Papa for the 6×6 cube, and by James Sangil for the Rubik’s Magic event.

I already have the photos for the event and videos for Day 1 (I wasn’t able to attend Day2.), I’m yet to post it since I prioritized editing a couple of past “To-Do” things. So here are the official screencaps from the official WCA site.

There you go guys! Just keep on practicing and don’t hesitate to comment or ask me questions. I currently have a 23 second average, I know it’s not that fast, but, I think it’s quick enough for beginners. ^_^

Keep in mind that it’s only a few days to go before the next competition! Though I won’t make it to the Bulacan Open this May 16 since I’m going to the KomiKon Summer Fiesta. (And it’s too far!) But I hope you guys could.

Keep rocking Pinoy Cubers!

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Underwater Cubing? Really?!

It is possible.

Here’s the video description:

It’s Mother’s Day and there’s no better way to celebrate it
than swimming!

I can’t resist the urge to solve one underwater!
(though I wasn’t fully submerged)

NO Snorkeling Gear, NO Goggles.
Just balls… Err… I mean cubes.

I used a Type A DIY that I wasn’t using.

Shot on location at the La Mesa Ecopark.

Song Used:
The Wake Up Song by The Submarines

If you could hear giggles from the video, it was Mom trying to distract me! She was successful in a few occasions, leading me to gulp pool water. Yuck.

Visit my YouTube Channel.

Extreme cubing ROCKS!
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what a long day!

This post will be short since I will be editing photos and vids of Day 1 of the Rizal Open, held at the Roosevelt College Campus. I wanted to join because someone, somehow convinced me to! Unfortunately, when I woke up, I discovered something horrendous! So horrible that I loathed having “it” today, of all the days!

A bug bit my right index finger. (I’m not even kidding.)

Now, it was so swollen! Darn! I know that my 23-second average won’t even get me to the Finals tomorrow but hell! I didn’t want to be a “spectator” anymore. I wanted to compete! T_T
Anyway, I still went to the darn competition wanting to see the top cubers in the country. However, disappointment still loomed in that department. I expected to see Durben Virtucio (the Philippine Record Holder) and JR (Blindfold Master), I looked everywhere but sadly, they are nowhere to be found. T_T
I got my Cebu Open shirt from Ms. Halley, and sold my Rubik’s Clock to James. I’m still glad that things somehow worked out in the end and I got home safely, amidst the heavy rains brought by the coming typhoon.

And for now, that’s all that counts.

(I hope I can write a much better post tomorrow. So tired… I try to get into more details in the following posts.)

Ave. of 10 Solves = 25.20 Seconds

Yep! Naisipan ko nang orasan muli ang aking sarili sapagkat nalalapit na ang Rizal Open 2009, ngunit ako’y nagdadalawang isip pa kung ako ay sasali. Bakit kamo? Sapagkat kung ako man ay sasali sa isang kompetisyon, gagawin ko lamang iyon sa isang kundisyon: upang manalo. Ngunit kung alam mo na mayroon isang labing-dalawang taong gulang na bata na lalampaso sa’yo at marami pang iba, bakit pa? Oo, sabi nila, para masubukan ko lang daw.

Heller?! Marami pang kompetisyon ang mangyayari sa hinaharap. Marami pa akong pagdadaanan.
Marami pa akong kakaining bigas. (sana dinorado. ^_^)

Pero makulit talaga itong utak ko at naisipan kong magpraktis ng dalawang araw (Oo, dalawang araw lang.) na katumbas ng mga 100 solbs (mukha lang madami, pero hindi!) kada araw, at ito ang kinalabasan:
22.27—> ito na ang aking PB (Personal Best) ^_^ Magbunyi!
25.20 segundong Average (di ko lam Tagalog ng Average eh..)

Oo, ang dating average ko ay 26 something ngunit mas masaya na ako ngayon sapagkat consistent na ang oras sa magkakadikit na 24 at 25 seconds.
Paumanhin sa mga mambabasa kong banyaga at purong lingguaheng Pilipino lamang ang aking panunulat ngayon, sapagkat napakasarap nang aking pakiramdam at wala na ang aking dinadaing na migraine mula pa kagabi…


Cebu Open 2009 Results

So here are the complete results for the recently concluded Cebu Open 2009. Kudos to the organizers of this event and congratulations to all the competitors! A lot of NR’s (New Records) were made and a 12-year old kid put the Philippines on the map! Durben Virtucio, made his presence known by posting an impressive 8.78 seconds 3×3 cube solve beating the old record of 10.68 seconds set by JB Canares last year..

Top 4 in the World

2nd Fastest in Asia

2nd Fastest in Asia

Top Three Competitors

Top Three Competitors

With two more competitions coming next month, expect more records to be broken! Watch out!

Go Philippine Cubers!
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puzzle: Rubik’s Clock Assemble!

Today is the  Cebu Open 2009 speedsolving competition in Cebu City! (Though the Rubik’s Clock is not an Official Event.) Too bad, I can’t join. But hey, in the spirit of the speedcubing community in the Philippines, I’ll post pictures of a Rubik’s Clock I slightly modified. If you’re curious about the inner workings of this very rare puzzle from Erno Rubik, today is your lucky day!

Outer Clear Plastic Shell Removed.

Black Inner Shell Removed

Cener 'Clocks' Removed- Springs are exposed.

Pegs Removed

All accounted for! LOL!

I got mine from eBay for about Php 500, and though it was already used, it was very stiff! My fingers become swollen just after a few solves and I decided that I have to do something about it. I found a tutorial on YouTube how to disassemble and lubricate this puzzle, and did just that. Now, it’s very, very much better than before. I must warn you, it will ruin the outer case of the puzzle and since a Rubik’s Clock is quite rare around the world, you should think it through before attempting any tinkering with this one.

Disassembling goodness! Vote!
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so what’s new

Since the sun is still scorching in and out of the house, I’m sooo not in the mood to write a decent article or post today. Instead, I opted to make a new microblogging site that friends and I could really use. I’m using the new P2 theme, released a few months ago, which is really cool! You can post something in real-time and other enabled accounts/authors can instantly respond to you! It’s still in the works and I haven’t invited many people yet, but it should be up and running in a few days.

In cubing news, there isn’t much happening with my average. I barely practice and lack the same enthusiasm I had months ago. Though I already know more algorithms now, my F2L is suffering since I play only about 10 times a day! I already know 20 out of 21 the PLL‘s (I dread the Left-handed R perm, LOL) , about 20 out of 57 OLL‘s, and pretty much all the easy cases in F2L.

I still can’t solve my megaminx properly, only having it fully- solved about 5 times since I got it. Yes, I know. I suck.

Though there are a lot of upcoming speedsolving competitions in the Philippines, I don’t have any plans of participating though. No, not because I’m too lazy to do that as well. But I guess, I really need to step up and try harder at landing a job.

Oh yeah, my old friends from HMC ditched me from a company outing last Holy Week. ( I know, what you’re thinking. Yes, they can invite non-employees.) They didn’t even invite me for crying out loud! (Considering they’re one of my closest friends. ) It’s sucks right? But I guess, I shouldn’t involve myself with that company anymore…  Luckily, I made it with my Holy Week Survival Guide or could’ve been nuts already!

I still don’t have a camera to use.

I spent 3 days alone. (If you don’t count the 2 dogs, 6 cats, countless pests and annoying telemarketers.)

But I really believe things will turn out fine. ^_^

10 days to go before Armageddon (aka iamryanm‘s birthday)!

Got me a gift already?
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