
Posts tagged “poster

District 9

You are not welcome here.

A million or so alien being’s huge mothership suddenly appear out of nowhere twenty years ago and just hover over a city like Johannesburg, and you were tasked to move them 240 kilometers away from their current settlement, how would you do it? Sounds easy?

How about when you are  just routinely checking out alien tech and just after a few hours you find out that your turning into one of them, losing one finger nail after the other, losing you skin bit by bit. Now what would you do?

Director Neill Blomkamp shares his vision of a world inhabited by Prawn-like creatures and a society who does not want them. An intelligent science fiction disguised as an action film, Wikus Van De Merwe, played by first-time actor Sharlto Copley, was tasked with moving 1.8 million ‘non-humans’ into a new settlement area brought by pressure from local residents. Appointed to be the head of this project, Copley played the character with unequaled brilliance. His character flaws made his character very human and very believable. He portrays his character with such depth that you would really think that he is a real person. What surprised me about him is that he has never acted before and all is lines were ad-libbed! (more…)

Up, up, and awaaaaaaay!

Do you still remember the good ol’ days when you used to climb trees, swing around branches and dreamt of being a bold and daring adventurer? Or simply wanted to travel around the world, looking for lost lands and rare birds aboard a flying house tied unto a gazzilion ballons? Whatever your answer may be, this latest movie from Pixar is right for you!

A heart-warming story about a young boy’s quest of following the footsteps of a world-renowned adventurer, he instead meets the love of his life at a decrepit house right in his neighborhood. The two soon become a couple and built the house of their dreams together. Sharing the same spirit for adventure, they save every penny and nickel to fulfill their life-long dream of finding the “land of the lost”, Paradise Falls.



Image source link lost! Sorry!

It was the worst job they ever imagined… and the best time of their lives.

This movie, set during the late 80’s, is about a college graduate named James Brennan (Eisenberg) who dreams of travelling Europe. His plans quickly get derailed when he learns that his father got demoted and he needs to come up with cash on his own. He tried to apply to different odd jobs, but with his English Major Degree and severe lack of working experience, he fails quite miserably. However, one trip to Adventureland changed his life forever.

Superbad‘ director Greg Mottola surprised me a lot in this film. He took a very simple love story, sprinkled a bit of comedy here and there, coupled with awesome performances from the actors and he managed to cook up a very interesting movie. Using the coolest decade of all-time as the backdrop to this film, it brings wonderful waves of nostalgia as the characters were as real as they could get. (more…)

The Hangover


Two days before the wedding, the four men in the wedding party – Doug, Doug’s two best buddies Phil Wenneck and Stu Price, and Tracy’s brother Alan Garner – hop into Tracy’s father’s beloved Mercedes convertible for a 24-hour stag party to Las Vegas. The morning after their arrival in Las Vegas, they awaken in their hotel suite each with the worst hangover. None remembers what happened in the past twelve or so hours. The suite is in shambles. And certain things are in the suite that shouldn’t be, and certain things that should be in the suite are missing. However they are on a race for time as if they can’t find Doug in the next few hours, they are going to have to explain to Tracy why they are not yet back in Los Angeles. And even worse, they may not find Doug at all before the wedding.


I got the chance to see this movie yesterday at the new Cineplex of Ali Mall in Cubao because there was a very big gap between my two interviews. The first one was finished at roughly around 10:20 AM and I was endorsed for final interview at 4:30PM. What the heck am I going to do with 6 full unplanned hours? I spent the next 30 minutes walking around the Eastwood City in Libis and contarary to popular belief, it was boring as hell (during daytime?). Though the place is a “Cyberhub” and was surrounded by high-rise condo units, there was nothing entertaining you could do. (No, I don’t have ridiculous amounts of money to burn at expensive coffeeshops. Sorry.) Darn.

Suddenly, I found myself back in Cubao, right around noon and saw the poster of The Hangover. Awesome!


Top Ten Movies To Watch Out For!

Director: David Bowers
Release Date:Oct 23 2009
view full cast
Nicolas Cage
Donald Sutherland
Freddie Highmore
Kristen Bell
Matt Lucas
Directed by:Roland Emmerich
Release Date:Nov 13 2009
view full cast
John Cusack
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Oliver Platt
Danny Glover
Woody Harrelson
3. The Book of Eli ——
Director: Albert Hughes
Release Date: January 15
Cast: Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis, Michael Gambon, Tom Waits
COED’s Take: Terminator Salvation disappointed, Doomsday flopped, and The Road got delayed a year and still hasn’t come out yet. So will The Book of Eli swoop in and take the Great Post-Apocalyptic Movie crown? Denzel Washington usually does contemporary thrillers, so it’ll be cool to see
him in a sci-fi flick, but who we’re really pumped about is Gary Oldman, in an over-the-top bad guy role that anyone who’s seen The Professional knows he’s ridiculously awesome at playing. Oh, and Mila Kunis is hot.
4. Alice in Wonderland March 5
Director: Tim Burton
Release Date: March 5
Plot outline: Tim Burton and Johnny Depp (as the Mad Hatter) take on Lewis Carroll’s classic.
Cast: Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Michael Sheen, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, Crispin Glover, Christopher Lee
COED’s Take: Who better to take on Carroll’s cracked-out, drug-influenced Alice in Wonderland than Burton and Depp? Plus, the six of you who saw the first season of HBO’s In Treatment already know that Mia Wasikowska will give a terrific, star-making performance as Alice. The only red
flag? An odd March release date. We thought the combination of Depp and a big budget made for an automatic summer debut.
5.The Expendables
Director: Sylvester Stallone
Release Date:april 23
Plot Outline: A team of mercenaries head to South America on a mission to overthrow a dictator.
Cast and Crew: Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mickey Rourke, Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Brittany Murphy, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren
COED’s Take: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mickey Rourke, Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li, Ivan Drago Dolph Lundgren, Steve Austin and Randy Couture are a team of mercenaries headed to South America on a mission to overthrow a dictator. How F’ing awesome is that?! As soon as I
hear “written and directed by Sylvester Stallone” my ears perked up. Throw in the action movie hall of fame cast and you’ve got a winning formula. Sure this movie probably won’t win an Oscar, but the body count will be ridiculously high and your balls might explode from a surge of
6.Iron Man 2
Director: Jon Favreau
Release Date:MAy 7
Comments:Plot outline: Tony Stark, with his buddy Jim Rhodes, squares off against Whiplash and the Black Widow while continuing discussions with Nick Fury about the Avengers Initiative.
7.Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time  — May 28
Release Date:
8.Jonah Hex
Director: Jimmy Hayward
Release Date:June 18
Comments:Plot outline: In the late 1800s, a Wild West bounty hunter tracks a voodoo practitioner bent on raising an army of Confederate zombies.
Cast: Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, John Malkovich, Will Arnett, Michael Shannon
COED’s Take: Okay, first, that’s the coolest synopsis ever. Second, Josh Brolin is the man — after No Country for Old Men and W., who better to take on a cool-as-hell bounty hunter? But then there are two other factors which sweeten the deal, and they both involve Megan Fox.
9.The Last Airbender
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Release Date:July 2
Comments:Plot outline: Based on the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, the story takes place in a world divided into the Fire, Water, Earth, and Air Nations. A young “airbender” named Aang must stop the Fire Nation from taking over.
Cast: Noah Ringer, Dev Patel, Cliff Curtis, Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Toub, Aasif Mandvi
COED’s Take: This will either be a really cool movie or an epic failure to end all epic failures. M. Night Shyamalan finally branches beyond his patented thrillers, which is nice since The Happening and Lady in the Water sucked. But is he up for this kind of big-budget fantasy? Few people have
heard of the source material, which means box office is pretty shaky unless the ad campaign wows a lot of people. But it will be cool to see Slumdog Millionaire’s Dev Patel try to make a name for himself beyond last year’s Best Picture winner.
10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I   —-
Director: David Yates
Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Bonnie Wright, Evanna Lynch, Alan Rickman
Release Date:November 19
Plot outline: Harry, Ron, and Hermione go on the run from Death Eaters while trying to find the remaining Horcruxes.
COED’s Take: We’re still not thrilled about Warner Bros. splitting up Deathly Hallows into two movies, because c’mon: eight movies will just look weird on our DVD shelves. But Part I promises to be the darkest Potter film yet; not that they’d ever do this in a million years, but it’d be easy to make
an R rated cut, given all the torturing and killing that happens. Yep, you heard it here first, parents: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is all about torturing and killing.

Trying to scurry out of bed,  I gave myself five more minutes to appreciate the cold morning bliss.  What should I write about this time? Flying squirrels? Nah. The weather? Too lame. Myself? No one would bother reading that dude!

Then it hit me! Gee, after seeing Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince a week ago and with G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra right around the corner, what comes next? Should I make my very own Top Ten list? Now that makes sense!

Browsing for info around the internet wasn’t very hard and I have been actually pondering about writing this article  for a while now. Thanks to the constant stream of  “teaser trailers” people have been linking like crazy this past few weeks, this could never have been any easier. Now, what to include in the list?

Hmm.. First, I didn’t include remakes since I figured that it’d suck anyway. Rumors of upcoming movies like Robocop and Robin Hood are interesting of course, but nothing can replace the classics we’ve grown to adore. Second, the list is by no means counting down from what I think is the worst to the best to come. The numbering just indicates the order in which the film will be shown, based on their tentative screening dates.  And lastly, I could’ve made it a Top Twenty list but I’m just too lazy. With all that nonsense out of the way, let’s rock!


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince- Movie Review

Once again I must ask too much of you, Harry…


In the sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, and in both wizard and muggle worlds Lord Voldemort and his henchmen are increasingly active. With vacancies to fill at Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore persuades Horace Slughorn, back from retirement to become the potions teacher, while Professor Snape receives long awaited news. Harry Potter, together with Dumbledore, must face treacherous tasks to defeat his evil nemesis.


I saw this movie on a rainy Saturday and was I surprised! The scenery were breath-taking and the scenes were awesome as expected from a Harry Potter movie. And from this sixth installment from J.K. Rowling, expect a much more darker Harry potter than before.


New Moon Breaking News

Though I didn’t really like the Twilight movie nor the book (both were disappointing), I have news from Robert Pattison himself about the new movie he’s working on as the very mysterious, and wickedly handsome (according to some female Ewoks near me) vampire Edward Cullen.

According to

Robert Pattinson has confirmed there will be a film version of the fourth and final Twilight book, Breaking Dawn. Pattinson told the Hollywood Reporter in Cannes on Tuesday “that he is committed to starring in the final outing to date but doesn’t know when backers Summit Entertainment will begin production because of the actor’s jam-packed shooting schedule.”

Pattinson also spoke about his role in New Moon which has been increased considerably. “You’re playing a figment in Bella’s imagination so I was trying to do it in a 2-D way. I hope it doesn’t translate onscreen as being boring,” he said, laughing. Hey, at least he’s aware.

And here’s the first official teaser poster for New Moon. Check it out and try not to smother your monitor with kisses okay? The Dark Lord of the Sith will not be pleased.

Read more Twilight Series news here!

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Fanboys- Movie Review

FANBOYS (2009)

(rated: PG-13 for pervasive crude and sexual material, language and drug content)

(1 hr, 30 min)

Starring: Sam Huntington, Chris Marquette, Dan Fogler,

Jay Baruchel, Kristen Bell, David Denman,

Christopher McDonald, Seth Rogen, Danny Trejo,

Ethan Suplee, Will Forte, Craig Robinson,

Danny McBride, and several cameos I don’t want to spoil !!!

Director: Kyle Newman

Genre: Comedy/Adventure/Road Trip


It’s the Halloween party they’ve all been waiting for, to have fun with friends and hang out with fellow Star Wars fans and partners in crime. However, events take a turn when one of their bunch who long ago outgrew his old gang and took on adult responsibilities is suddenly in their midst again. Reconnecting is not easy. But soon, Eric, Windows, Hutch and Zoe realize that Linus will not live long enough to experience what’s been on their minds for ages: The long-awaited theatrical release of Star Wars – Episode I, which is still several months away. Linus once again suggests to his friends what he’s been scheming since fifth grade: Breaking into Skywalker Ranch, this time to steal a print of the movie. Crazy, right? But it might be the only way for Linus to see the movie before he dies. So as insane as it sounds, they take Hutch’s van and embark on a mission to drive across half the country to the Ranch.


Before you read any further, let me remind you that this movie was made by fanboys for fanboys.  So I really guess, based on bad reviews made by “non-fanboys” of this movie; non-Star Wars or even a “non-geek-anything” will find the movie uhmmmm…. rather, old or boring even. I warn you, you may not (I repeat: YOU MAY NOT) get the inside jokes, random Star Wars and TV references used and funny geek reactions the actors are portraying in this movie.

But if you are… let’s rock!

Though the genre of this movie for telling this kind of story is so cliche, it worked for me. You may still find yourself guessing what would happen next! Of course, your best guess would be another ridiculous situation after another. But this movie took it to the limit and made me laugh my heart out! (NO, I won’t be giving out spoilers.) Let’s just say, how much are you willing to pay for a HUNDRED DOLLAR glass of water? Now, that’s the question! (Maybe the most appropriate question would be: How do you get out of it with your clothes still on?!) Was that a spoiler??! You will forget what you just read…. (with matching Jedi hand gesture)

We were laughing our heads-off last night when we were watching this and even my mom loved it! (My mom uhmmm…. doesn’t like geeky stuff much.. and she was laughing!) Yes, even with Dan Fogler‘s constant humping (yes, humping) of his co-male stars, the movie wasn’t vulgar at all. There was no nudity and the constant jokes about fanboys being eternal virgins throughout the film was hilarious.  The one-liners and “Star Wars” references will keep you laughing and so will the references to movies like “Top Gun”, “Dirty Dancing”, “THX 1138?,” and “Back to the Future” and TV shows like “Alf”, “Night Court”, “G.I. Joe” and “Scooby Doo”.

Hordes of Star Trek fans were also featured in the movie and it was entertaining how they dealt with invading Star Wars fans on their home turf. (Kirk’s future birthplace!) They even attended a Trek-Kon, risking their dignity (?) as hardcore fans just to obtain top secret information about the Skywalker Ranch from William Shatner himself!

There were lots of cameos in the movie, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled! I also loved the droid on top of their van! Was that R2-D2?!

Rent it.

Why just rent it? I guess it won’t be released mainstream because of the nature of the film.

(It was only on Limited Release in the States.)

It’s a great movie for you and your friends, especially if you’re a Star Wars fan (or even not)!

NO, I am your father!
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Free Comicbook Day, Wolverine and A New Personal Best!

I just saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine a few hour ago and one word could sum it all: AWESOME! Everything was great! The storytelling, the effects, gee! I’m just disappointed that the movie had a “One Screening Only” Policy… I wanted to watch it again!

The movie ran for about an hour and forty-five minutes and they really used it well.They didn’t rush the scenes, and made sure that it was played like a biography of an indestructible fighting machine.

SPOILER ALERT: The Squad Wolverine was in was so cool! Agent Zero (sharpshooter) , Wraith/ Spectre (Will.I.Am!!) , The Blob (didn’t know he was thin before! LOL!), Deadpool (without the mask), Sabretooth, and the guy who can turn stuff on and off! (Didn’t catch his name, he died in the movie anyway….)

Though some scenes were annoying, (no, I won’t mention which ones) and it was nice that the movie had a few laughs in it.

SPOILER ALERT:  The Blob was strangely “sensitive” about his weight that when Logan called him “Bub”, he punched him, sending him across the room, thinking that he was called “Blob.”

Watch it! Non-fans of the whole comic book to movies genre would certainly love the way the movie was handled. It won’t leave you guessing what’s happening on-screen with this flick…

And hey! It’s the first Monday of May tomorrow and you know what that means? No? Well, it’s Free Comic book Day!

Free Comic Book Day is a single day – the first Saturday in May – when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely FREE* to anyone who comes into their stores. *Check with your local shop for their participation and rules.

Used by permission. Copyright 2009, 20th Century Fox, All Rights Reserved.

In the video above, Hugh Jackman, star of X-Men Origins: Wolverine talks about Free Comic Book Day, and the importance of comics in fighting illiteracy. This is followed by a theatrical trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

And here’s an invite from Mr. Gerry Alanguilan:

And according to his announcement, he will be signing and sketching at Comic Odyssey, Robinson’s Galleria, Ortigas, Metro Manila on May 2, 2009 for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY.

He’ll be joined by Leinil Francis Yu, Edgar Tadeo, Jay Anacleto, Gilbert Monsanto, Wilson Tortosa, Stephen Segovia, Harvey Tolibao, Jay David Ramos, Elbert Or, Budjette Tan, Kajo Baldisimo, Romulo Fajardo, Jan Michael Aldeguer, and many more.

In my cubing progress news, I timed myself two nights ago and was pleasantly surprised by the result. Here are the times I got:


20.87 ->Newest PB! (Personal Best)






23.17 Average of Six; 23.27 Average of Four (Excluding Slowest and Fastest Time)

I used my old Type D DIY I featured here, a few months ago. The only difference was that I already replaced it with an Old Type A core and it so, so much better than before.

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