
Posts tagged “bella

New Moon Breaking News

Though I didn’t really like the Twilight movie nor the book (both were disappointing), I have news from Robert Pattison himself about the new movie he’s working on as the very mysterious, and wickedly handsome (according to some female Ewoks near me) vampire Edward Cullen.

According to

Robert Pattinson has confirmed there will be a film version of the fourth and final Twilight book, Breaking Dawn. Pattinson told the Hollywood Reporter in Cannes on Tuesday “that he is committed to starring in the final outing to date but doesn’t know when backers Summit Entertainment will begin production because of the actor’s jam-packed shooting schedule.”

Pattinson also spoke about his role in New Moon which has been increased considerably. “You’re playing a figment in Bella’s imagination so I was trying to do it in a 2-D way. I hope it doesn’t translate onscreen as being boring,” he said, laughing. Hey, at least he’s aware.

And here’s the first official teaser poster for New Moon. Check it out and try not to smother your monitor with kisses okay? The Dark Lord of the Sith will not be pleased.

Read more Twilight Series news here!

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